Pillars of Action: Exploring the Yamas
Sat Feb 20th 8:30am-11:30am pst
Virtual Practice Space
The Yamas are 5 yogic precepts or “restraints” for taking action on and off the mat. Introduced by Patanjali, the author/teacher behind the Yoga Sutra, the Yamas are one of the 8 Limbs of the practice, and are considered foundational to a yogi creating strong action in their behaviour. In this workshop you will engage with these precepts on a personal level, finding a deeper understanding of these ideas and creating a relevant, practical relationship. Explore the principles through movement, meditation, interactive activities, discussion and q+a.
The Yamas are: ahimsa (non-harm), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (energy management) and aparigrah (greedlessness).
Class will include a movement practice, meditation and interactive classroom activities.
You’ll receive pre and post-class support materials including worksheets, Sanskrit translations, resource suggestions and the class recording.
Investment Details
**Enrolled in the Sutra Series? Take $10 off the investment for this workshop!
Sliding Scale
Stable - $55 (helps support community members)
Supported - $40
Can’t attend the workshop live but really want to?
Request the “Self Study” option for a special investment and attend on your own time: $35
*Please note: class is non-refundable – you will receive the recording and support materials.
Payments are accepted through E-Transfer at sarahcutfieldyoga@gmail.com or Paypal: paypal.me/sarahcutfield
Register/Questions: sarahcutfieldyoga@gmail.com